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KINDLE in Belgium


Is it possible to buy a Kindle in Belgium?
Is the price interesting?

What about buying from the US - is the price interesting?

I am mainly thinking of a Fire HD.
(About price, - what I think is that perhaps we are second class customers for Amazon, and thus will not achieve the same deals as us, fr, uk)


You can buy one at Waterstones in Brussels - I forgot what the price was, but I think it is similar to what it would cost if you ordered it from Amazon

Jun 30, 2013 22:29

get one from you will an account there to use it any ways. They will deliever here fine even for expensive items

Jul 2, 2013 20:24

get one from you will an account there to use it any ways. They will deliever here fine even for expensive items

Jul 2, 2013 20:24