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kitchen floor mop


I mop the kitchen floor every night before i go to bed - but there has to be an easier way! My mop comes from Carrefour - it is one of those round blue/yellow stringy ones that you stick on to a long handle that is available to buy beside it in the shop. My own mother had something very similar. Surely in 2014, there is a better mop available to buy that would make life a little easier.
Anyone have rec please? thanks



Mar 14, 2014 10:21
Marky Mark

Don't like the stringy ones - I find the Swiffer style ones much easier and quicker. Just damp it slightly and job done...

Mar 14, 2014 11:58

stupid bored people

Mar 14, 2014 16:29

Get a steam mop cost more to buy but then you do t need chemicals and the floor is dry almost immediately.

Mar 14, 2014 20:48

@ Isabella,
OK, so folk here are stupid n bored for placing such questions. We hear you.
Pray tell, how do we describe someone who goes thru these pages daily, reads the stupid questions, thinks up a rude answer and types it it ??
Something along the lines of a lifer...busy body...attention seeker....???
Just asking ;)

Mar 17, 2014 08:55