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Know any good therapists?


Do you have any recommendations for therapists in Belgium (family, psychotherapy, sports doctors, physios, dieticians, complementary medicine, etc) who work in languages other than French and Dutch? We are preparing a new Health Guide for the autumn edition of the Bulletin Newcomer magazine and would appreciate readers’ suggestions.


In almost 25 years in Flanders and with extensive experience with medical professionals, I have never encountered a Flemish/Dutch-speaker who does not have good English and who is happy to work using English.
And with (far too much) experience of Gasthuisberg in Leuven I know that other languages are widely spoken there and that the staff will go out of their way to find someone to speak the mother tongue of their patients. I once shared a ward with a Mongolian guy and the nurses were genuinely sad that they hadn't got a Mongolian speaker for him - despite his perfectly adequate English.

Jul 30, 2015 17:04
livin'in Leuven

I agree with KASSEISTAMPER. I have never had a problem with any Flemish medical professional not being able to communicate effectively and professionally with me in English. I have two boys, and as a family, we have spent a lot of time with the staff at Gasthuisberg in Leuven! Even though I speak Dutch, and my kids are perfectly bi-lingual, as soon as they hear us speak English, they apologize and switch from Dutch.

I spent a couple of weeks in Gasthuisberg a few years ago. My Dutch was still quite limited. I was watching the Olympics. The cleaning lady came in to my room and asked me in Dutch who I was cheering for. I told her Canada. She smiled and continued in French. When I told her I spoke English, she apologized and continued in English.

We also, in our little town outside of Leuven, have also found Huisartsen (GP's), our dentist, out amazing physios (that keep my 2 athletes and their parents moving), a family therapist and our pharmacist, all easily switch to English.

Jul 31, 2015 07:20

alexander anghelou:

He is excellent. I have already referred many people to him. Works in English French and Greek. Situated in kraainem

Jul 31, 2015 14:44
Mark L-W

In addittion to my total agrrement with Kassiestamper; may I suggest the CHS.
They are an English speaking organisation who can help with many difficulties.
Their primary guidance is for those with mental health issues, but can and will help with evrerything .

Jul 31, 2015 21:24
Sarah Crew

Thanks everyone for their replies. It's inspiring to read how Belgian services adapt to English speakers. We are also aware that many of our readers are looking for help in languages other than Eng, Fr and Dutch, hence our request above. The health guide will be published in the Bulletin Newcomer, available from September.

Aug 1, 2015 13:57

I would say Flemish services rather than 'Belgian' in general, though I imagine that quite a few French-speaking professionals in Brussels also speak good English. It tends to be more case-by-case, though.

Aug 2, 2015 12:36

Elena Massie, a cognitive behavioral therapist on avenue Baron Albert d'Huart in Woluwe. She's Argentinian but got her degrees in the UK. Consultations in English, Spanish and French.
I agree with everyone's comments above about the language skills of Flemish practitioners. When I first arrived in Belgium 14 years ago, we lived in Tervuren and I spoke zero Dutch. Every Flemish doctor or physiotherapist I have ever seen in Belgium has been able to communicate with me effectively in English (or French). I have since learned Dutch, though, so now I stick to Dutch with the Flemish and French with the francophones.

Aug 3, 2015 17:18

You can check if you have english-speaking therapists around you by going to this website :

Good luck !

Aug 7, 2015 11:01

There is a very good English speaking counseller/therapist in Wemmel. She does PTSD, recovering from traumatic events, personal loss, but also provides family support therapy; support for those going through separation/divorce at an exceptionally good rate. You can contact her at

Sep 15, 2015 17:21