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L board unaccompanied driving fine


Dear xpats,

I made the driving theory exam and have 36month provisoir licence, But still I am not allowed to drive alone. As an emergency reason for the first time i've driven alone Yesterday and police caught me at De broucker ;(

I'm the car owner & I showed all the document what he asked for,

And he told me that there will be a post come soon to my address,

Does anyone know or can advice me what would be the bad consequences due to my fault please?

Thank you in advance


In short, there are four degrees of infractions but none define your infringement:

1st degree (fine = € 50): impeding or dicourteous behaviour, forget one's seat belt or winker/blinker, drive on the bus lane, ride a bicycle without a light at night.
2nd degree (fine = € 100): pass an amber light, use a mobile phone while driving (except if using a hands free kit), drive without anti-fog lights when there is fog, park in a zone for the handicapped, stop in a dangerous place.
3rd degree (fine = € 150): pass a red light, overtaking over a white line, overtake near a pedestrian crossing, endanger a pedestrian or cyclist.
4th degree (fine = to settle in court): U-turn on a motorway/expressway, racing with other cars, incite to excessive speed, pass a level crossing.

Jul 9, 2013 12:28

Thank you very much DAVEL. I appreciate your response, But I'm really looking forward to see respond considering my case ;( Even though my driving practical exam is next Tuesday ;( Im stress and helpless. Imagine my situation, for the first time I driven alone due to an emergency reason and police caught me right away ;( ;( ;( Grrrrrrrrr

Jul 9, 2013 13:50

This is in the category of driving without a license. I'm making an educated guess that this will go to court (no big deal really) but there will be a heavy fine and suspension of the license for some time. For someone who is actually driving without any license or with a license that is not accepted here it goes to several hundred or a thousand euros and a couple weeks or longer of suspension. I doubt that your provisional license will make it easier because during the provisional period and for the first two years of receiving a full license the driver stays on probation, and violations other than the minor ones are taken more seriously. My suggestion is that you stay strictly legal and get your proper license before it goes to court, which can take several months because they are overloaded.

Jul 9, 2013 13:52

Then just get your license and don't mess with the traffic laws again. As said earlier, you'll pay a heavy fine and suffer temporary suspension of your license.

Jul 9, 2013 13:56

Sorry but irrespective of whatever the emergency, they will take no excuses. After all the law is THE LAW

Most certainly at least a heavy fine

Jul 9, 2013 14:03


Honestly thank you very very much for all of your kind responds for my crap trouble, Specially taking time to respond it. Now i know what to really expect from the post which they are going to send it to me. Little relieved after reading all of your kind comments. Yes i will strictly consider respecting rules and regulations. But again honestly i didn't mean to break the rules, it was just the situation that i really had to take the car ;( But as u said all the law is THE LAW, so i deserve a fine and my driving suspension for a while ;( Thank you very much all of you again!!!!!!

Jul 9, 2013 15:01

What would you have done if you hadn't a car?
Well you would have dialled 101, phoned a friend, phoned a taxi......

Jul 9, 2013 22:33

Mr/Mrs : Winterlover : Unfortunately I had my own car, So I wasn't thinking about it, suddenly came to my mind was the situation and car only. Btw thank you for reminding!!

Jul 9, 2013 23:08

As Mimi says above, at a minimum, you'll pay a heavy fine and have your license suspended. But depending on the judge, and how strongly the police choose to prosecute you, you could also have a short jail term.
The laws are here:

Jul 10, 2013 13:24

@ANON : thank you very much for the helpful infos

Jul 14, 2013 17:35
