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Laser Eye Surgery


I am planning on doing LASIK for nearsightedness. 3 of my friends did it and are very happy with their results at the Vision Clinic in Brussels (Dr Vandorselaer) but after reading more about the procedure, ... I am afraid ...

I consider myself very fortunate for having him as my ophthalmic surgeon : professional, impressive CV, good recommendations, confident, probably the most competent in Belgium in this field but, I am still afraid.

Any recommendations ? It is for next week !



i had lasik two weeks ago (not in belgium) and i was as nervous as you are. the operation itself is completely painless, you really don't feel anything so don't be nervous. you kind of realize what is going on when they mess with your eyes but at least that made me wonder 'ok I did not become blind' :-)

the post operation is bit more annoying as you have a sensation of itching, burning and stingy eyes but that is perfectly normal and it last one afternoon. you get some drops that helps a lot

which recommendation would I give? just go there relaxed and try to focus on other stuff, sounds silly but I would have loved to have the ipod with me and listen to music so to focus on something else :-)

Nov 23, 2012 12:00

Just to let everybody know ...

Incredible ! Burning eyes and blurred vision for a few hours but in the evening, you can see clearly, the day after you can drive your car and go back to work.

I had to do this earlier !!!


Mar 17, 2013 23:21