Let's Talk Hypnobirthing!

Many people come to Hypnobirthing for the relaxations, breathing exercises, comforting massage and visualisations. This is a central part of the course - but it's also MUCH MORE: It's a full in-depth antenatal online programme in which prenatal teacher and KG Hypnobirthing specialist Kate Ellwood shares her sound knowledge of the Belgian maternity system. You may be wondering if Hypnobirthing is for you. You might have questions about the role of the birthing partner or what to expect and the methods used. You might have already had a baby and want things to be different this time.With this FREE online information session we aim to answer those questions and help you to understand how our Hypnobirthing Course can help you to build up your confidence to make informed choices and prepare you for a calm birth.Everyone welcome! For details about our monthly Hypnobirthing Courses visit: https://bctbelgium.org/pregnancy/hypnobirthing-courses/ REGISTER for a FREE information session here: https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZckdu2grz4iE9ykjTasTIeYQA0Q0HO...
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