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Loft renovation


I'm looking at buying an apartment which has a loft covering the full floor size above which I am hoping to renovate two to three years after I would move in. It would be for my own use (creation of extra bedrooms or a huge man cave).

I know I would need the permis d'urbanisme. Is this hard to get or are there any obstacles i could expect if it is just an interior renovation? I will have a surveyor to check that it is technically feasible before I move in.

Apart from construction and increase in the revenue cadestral, are there any other costs I should anticipate?


You won't need a permit if it's just inside work and no change to the size of the building. Velux windows are OK as well.

Feb 10, 2015 14:33

As it's an apartment you may need to check the terms of the building to see if you have to notify your neighbours.
We renovated a roof space in our house there was already stairs and a floor.
If you don't have theses you may need better joist to put a floor down because ceiling ones aren't adequate.
We put in veluxes no permit needed.
But also advisable to insulate the whole area as they can get very hot in summer and cool in winter. You will need some form of heating up there.
We have external shutter blinds on our veluxes the newer one are mega funky both windows and shutters open and close on a timer (we don't have these but they would have been nice to have had but the cost was too high).
Depends on direction of your roof but if you can put on these external shutters a the are helpful in reducing heat in summer and cold in winter.
Also you need to check your fuse box will cover the area power requirements.
I love our conversion all the best

Feb 10, 2015 16:43

Thanks for the replies, the agent still tells me that it is " sous réserve d'accord de l'urbanisme"

Feb 10, 2015 21:25

If you need an architect, as I did- to help and to obtain the permis d'urbanism I would recommend
Excellent english/french, good prices and reliable! Don't let it turn into a big headache :-)
Good luck and enjoy the new place!

ps. I vote for giant 'Man Cave' - if women folk are allowed of course!

Feb 11, 2015 10:15

Ps if it's just the agent saying this ask for proof before you sign they tell you anything and after it's too late.

Feb 14, 2015 11:41

THEMISSUS when you say good prices and reliable what do you exactly mean? what was the price for your building permit and what exactly he had to do for that ? did he obtained the permit or not?

Mar 9, 2015 22:52