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Looking for new syndic


We own an apartment in a house which is divided into 4 apartments. None of the apartment owners are happy with our "Syndic" because they are unresponsive and yet charge considerable fees. Can anyone recommend a good syndic? This could be either a company or a person who has the requisite ability and experience.


I can certainly recommend Monsieur de Bellaing who used to manage the building where I live. He stopped being a gerant to concentrate on buying and selling, but he may be interested in working with just a few owners in a small building. He does, of course, have a professional qualification. Just contact him direct. Here are the details.

Roland Moreau de Bellaing
Agéé I.P.I. 103396

Eurofa sa/nv
Achat – Vente - Gestion
Avenue des Frères Legrain 80
B-1150 Bruxelles

T : + 32 (0)475 238 338
Fax : + 32 (0)2 640 50 03

Jan 14, 2015 12:08

we just bought a flat and started working with

i'm not sure if they help manage small buildings but they are very efficient and speak good english

Jan 14, 2015 12:13

Any reason you would not manage the property yourselves? This is what we do. It is certainly cheaper and more efficient.

Jan 14, 2015 12:50

We no longer live in a syndic manage building but before we had myimmo and they did a good job. They were very correct in their affairs.

Somebody mentioned chatelain....before considering them, you might want to speak to a lawyer and find their track record. In fact, if you're really thinking of getting a syndic, consult with a lawyer experienced in Brussels to see which of the syndics working in brussels has the least legal problems. Lawyers are in the know of which syndic has complaints against them and that would be money well invested, specially if you can divide the cost among the proprietaires.

But indeed, given you only have 4 apartments, maybe best to manage your own, although yes, that sometimes can also be a problem, specially if some owners do not pay their part of the bill.

Jan 14, 2015 22:20

Everyone always pays. Sometimes we have had difficulties agreeing on work, but for just four appartments I can see no value whatsoever in paying someone else to organize.

Jan 15, 2015 10:05