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losing rights when leaving holland to work and live in belgium


Does one lose their rights in holland, pension etc.. if they move to brussels to work and live. Not an expat job but one they find on their own? Please help. Where and how can I find out these things?? and if they one day have to leave bxl and go back to holland, will holland still help them etc??
Thank you


Your pension rights are accrued. So if you work in NL for 10 years and you need 40 qualifying years for a full pension, when you retire, you will get 1/4 pension from NL. You do not loose that. Similarly, any private pension scheme in NL will not be lost.

Other benefits, I'm not sure about. You would do well to ask the NL benefits agency, HOWEVER, if you start working in BE, at some point, you rights will "transfer" to BE. You certainly would be able to go back to NL and claim benefits there if you qualify in BE and the job does not last long, but if you were to work here for a while, at some point, you would loose your rights to benefits in NL and only get BE benefits. The exact rules and time limits are bound to be fairly specific and detailed, and I can't help with the detail - only the general principle.

Jul 11, 2013 11:13

Indeed as J points out the rights to State pension are accrued. Here is how it works in the EU:

For other social security benefits, see here:

In short: no, you will not lose anything. It will just be a tad more complicated to request your pension when the time comes.

For a personalised answer based on your specific case, you can contact Europe Direct:

Jul 12, 2013 20:36