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Make your own face masks using two sheets of kitchen roll
Since there seems to be a shortage of face masks, which should be disposed of every 4 hours, try making your own by folding a thickness of t2o sheets of kitchen roll in about 2 cm folds, first one way then the other. One folding complete, make a fold either end, insert a rubber band, and staple the fold to keep them in place. Place the rubber bands over ears, and separate the folds to cover the maximum of your face. Of course, make the masks using clean hands and surfaces.
Works better with an incontinence pad. Kitchen roll is too porous.
If you are currently healthy and not in contact with any risk groups and are concerned about the current COVID situation, YOU SHOULD ABSOLUTELY NOT BE DOING THIS.
- If you are healthy, you only need to wear a mask if you are taking care of a person with suspected 2019-nCoV infection.
- Wear a mask if you are coughing or sneezing.
- Masks are effective only when used in combination with frequent hand-cleaning with alcohol-based hand rub or soap and water.
- If you wear a mask, then you must know how to use it and dispose of it properly.
Masks will make little difference if you’re at home, walking around town or taking a bus or train.
The primary source of infection is actually through your hands, which is why by far the best advice is to regularly wash your hands. So rather than make home made face masks that at best won't have any real impact and at worse, could be a source of infection to other people who come into contact with them, you would be far better off saving the paper towels and using them for drying your hands after you have washed them.
The official World Health Organisation guidance is accessible here:
"To protect yourself against the new coronavirus, you should frequently clean your hands with an alcohol-based hand rub or wash them with soap and water.
Once your hands are cleaned, you should dry them thoroughly by using paper towels or a warm air dryer."
Thanks, Anon, great post with relevant content.
@YTTAP - "maybe ANON has a solution to help CHIREC"
Yes I absolutely do - please stop wasting paper towels making face masks that will have absolutely no effect on the transmission of the disease, and instead follow the advice of The official World Health Organisation which is accessible here:
"To protect yourself against the new coronavirus, you should frequently clean your hands with an alcohol-based hand rub or wash them with soap and water.
Once your hands are cleaned, you should dry them thoroughly by using paper towels or a warm air dryer."