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maternity leave


I have a specific situation and would ask for help and answer.

I have signed a defined contract from May 1. to November 1. that is for 6 months. It will be my first employment. I come another eu county.

I will have to use maternity leave as my due is on August 16.

How should I deal with it, what are my rights?
how much maternity benefits do I receive from Belgium?

Who to send information about my pregnancy (except form employee?)
After my contract is finished I am still on a maternity leave and do not need to do nothing? correct?

I have a chosen gynecologist in my country. Is that fine, or does any official translation has to be used?


Presuming that you have actually informed your employer that you are pregnant?
Also presuming you have a fixed term contract.
The benefit is equivalent to 82 percent of salary for the first 30 days and then drops to 75 percent of salary, subject to a maximum salary.
Women may take up to 15 weeks maternity leave. At least nine weeks must be taken after the birth and at least one week must be taken before the date when the baby is due.
This would see you working from May 1 through to probably July 31. Then maternity pay, paid by your employer until November 1 and thereafter by via the social assistance scheme (if you qualify)

Apr 14, 2014 12:44

Have you informed your employer before signing the contract ? I am just wondering who is this nice employer who hires someone in an advanced stage of pregnancy knowing that she will stop working in three months whilst she signed a contract for six months.

Apr 14, 2014 13:28

Formally inform your employer that you are pregnant. The laws protecting you against Isabella's prejudice are quite good here and will protect you.

Where you may well have an issue is with benefits. If this start of employment is also the start of your stay in Belgium, and you are not married or officially in co-habitation, then I don't possibly see how you can qualify for Belgian social security cover. You mention you have chosen a gynecologist "in your country". You could see yourself having to go back there and get cover there.

Your Mutuelle pays maternity benefit. You will NOT get it in the first 9 months you are in Belgium.

Apr 15, 2014 11:57

Ah! But you are not yet employed. That could be a big problem. I think you should seek advice from your Mutuelle ASAP.

Apr 15, 2014 12:16

The God of has once again spoken bullshit ;-)))))))))

Apr 15, 2014 16:41

> who is this nice employer who hires someone in an advanced stage of pregnancy
Legally, you're not allowed to ask at interview unless there's a good reason for it.

Apr 15, 2014 23:39

and the bullshit continues ..................

Apr 16, 2014 23:57

Yes, but not from me. Admittedly, this took 5 minutes to research...

Au cours de l'entretien d'embauche, l'employeur ne peut en principe poser aucune question sur une éventuelle grossesse, à moins qu'une telle question ne soit pertinente en raison de la nature ou des modalités d'exécution de la fonction.

Apr 17, 2014 11:25

J you are so stupid. Of course the employer will not ask the lady if she is pregnant. Obviously if this is her first pregnancy and her body structure is slim, she is not showing yet. She signed the contract not informing her employer of her pregnancy and she will drop the bomb later. No employer would give a six months contract to a heavily pregnant lady knowing that she would take her maternity leave soon after. I am guessing that she was prob ably hired to replace another lady who left for maternity leave.
In any case, in order for J to relax and enjoy his Easter, can the lady who posted the question step forward and give us the whole story please? Thank you ;-))))

Apr 17, 2014 15:27

> J you are so stupid.
Given the opinion I have of your bigoted judgmental attitude, I'll take that as a compliment.

She didn't ask for your opinion on the morality of the situation or the shape of her body. She asked about her legal rights in a complex situation that I am guessing she didn't want to be in in the first place at this particular moment in time.

Apr 18, 2014 10:53