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Maternity Leave for Self Emloyed Person


Hi There

My husband and I are planning on having another child but our first one here in Belgium. I'm self-employed so how does that work in terms of maternity leave. Ie how much time do I get paid by government/ mutual and also is what I get paid worked out on what I have earnt as a self employed person or is it a fixed rate?

Thanks for your replies!

Nan Jan 29, 2013 15:22
Nan Jan 29, 2013 15:22
Nan Jan 29, 2013 15:22
Nan Jan 29, 2013 15:22
Nan Jan 29, 2013 15:22

Super thanks!

Jan 30, 2013 14:55

Super thanks!

Jan 30, 2013 14:55

Super thanks!

Jan 30, 2013 14:55

Super thanks!

Jan 30, 2013 14:55