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Minimum working hours per week for a part-time worker in Belgium


For a part time worker in Brussels, what are the minimum working hours he/she should work per week, to get social security coverage, & to stay in employed status?

What are legal minimum wages for such a part time worker?
Any URL showing this info?


Part time could be hourly, or could be a % proportional to the monthly salary.

This is for an employee, of course. Independants are a completely different ballgame.

"social security"
Chomage depends on a lot of things - see if you qualify:
Otherwise, a trip to the CPAS will be necessary.
Healthcare, as your Mutuelle.

Sep 4, 2015 00:12

Thanks J :)

Nice Weekend!

Sep 5, 2015 17:19

Actually I wish someone would have given a more detail reply concerning this question. Working part time at 18 hours a week for a company that HQ is in Spain. They don't want to hire Full time workers as not to pay social benefits etc.
So questions
what am I entitle by just working 18 hrs/week? Do I get holiday pay? How many days? Unemployment? What is minimum wage salary? All questions that are important but many vague answers. Even at syndicate. This company doesn't respect employees rights. They don't care of Belgian laws. So if anyone can direct my questions. Appreciate very much.

Feb 5, 2020 04:00