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Mobility manager needed for Brussels Ring roadworks, says minister

12:00 31/07/2017

Flemish mobility minister Ben Weyts has proposed an “accessibility manager” to offer guidance to businesses during the major roadworks on the Brussels Ring that are due to begin in 2019. The service would be available to businesses in Flanders and Brussels and would help them co-ordinate commuting options for their employees and visitors.

Works will be carried out to split local and through traffic into different lanes, which should decrease congestion and the number of accidents. The works cover a stretch of 20 kilometres between the junctions with the E40. The project has a budget of €2 billion.

“We will do everything we can to limit the inconvenience as much as possible,” Weyts said. His department would work together with the Flemish chamber of commerce, Voka, to create the post of accessibility manager, whose role would be to inform businesses about expected problems on the road, and offer possible alternatives.

“Antwerp’s mobility manager has been incredibly useful,” Weyts said. “We plan to repeat that success in the Flemish periphery.”

Written by Alan Hope (Flanders Today)