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Model rocket


After having years of fun with his stomp rocket, my son would like to buy a model rocket and launch pad. Like the ones sold on this site: They don't ship to belgium. Does anyone know if I can get this kind of model rocket here in Belgium or a webshop that delivers to Belgium? Thanks!


Have you tried these guys in the UK who appear to deliver internationally:
However, as they note in the T&C, it's shipping the motors that's the problem. (they're essentially explosives!)
You may be better off trying to find a physical store here that sells. I've heard from a model hobbyist I know that these guys in Waterloo are pretty good, for all sorts of RC cars / aircraft / boats etc, but I have no idea if they do rockets:
Alpha Models SPRL, Chaussée de Bruxelles 542, 1410 Waterloo

May 29, 2013 13:26