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Modern housing in Brussels - areas?


I'd like to buy an apartment in Brussels. After living for several years in typical old houses (with fireplaces, high ceilings, old pipes, holes in window frames, etc), I'm a bit fed up and would like a modern housing (but not brand new not to pay VAT). I'm looking for an apartment of ~80-100 m2 preferably in the east (Montgomery, Woluwe, Etterbeek).

How would you suggest searching for an apartment in a modern building?

I know these are scarce in Brussels but I also have little idea where they are. Shall I only limit myself to immoweb or is it advisable also to drive/walk around the districts, go to real estate agencies, etc? Can I request info about modern districts from the communes? Or perhaps you know areas with modern real estate developments? Thank you!


Typically, there's very little "new" stuff around the Montgommery area.
There's quite a lot gone up in the Stockel area over the past 10 years that would fit the bill.
Consider everything. A friend of mine has just signed for an apartment after 2 years of searching.

Nov 26, 2012 14:51