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More women in Belgium opt for ‘gentle’ c-section
Caesarean sections are less clinical than in the past, with doctors now emphasising the importance of direct skin-to-skin contact between mother and child. The so-called ‘gentle’ caesarean (c-section), already a rising trend in neighbouring countries, is now increasingly common in Belgium, as well, according to Het Nieuwsblad.
There are currently about 62 hospitals in the Netherlands that give parents the option between a classical and a gentle c-section, according to the Dutch newspaper Trouw. The gentle c-section is gradually gaining ground in Belgium, too, gynaecologist Vincent Catry told Het Nieuwsblad. "The operation for a gentle c-section is no different from that for a classical cesaerean, but the experience is entirely different. If the operation was not planned, it can be a very confronting experience. But this approach makes it a lot more natural and acceptable."
During the classical c-section operation, the baby is born behind a curtain and immediately taken away for tests and routine checks. The mother usually only gets to see her child about an hour later, often already washed and dressed. A gentle caesarean, on the other hand, removes the barrier between mother and child. "From the moment the incision is made and the child comes out of the womb, the curtain goes down. After the birth, we hand over the baby to the pediatrician for a quick check, and then the baby is placed on its mother’s chest within several minutes."
According to Catry, this gentler method increases the chances of a smooth start for breastfeeding, due to the skin-to-skin contact and a change in the position of the infusion, freeing up the mother’s arms to hold her baby.