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Most Brussels residents favour Good Move scheme

14:06 30/11/2024

Most motorists in the Brussels region support Brussels’ "Good Move" regional mobility plan, according to a study by Brussels Mobility into the capital’s car ownership and travel needs.

“Overall, the sample of respondents seems to recognise to a very large extent that air quality is a public health issue and that car traffic contributes to air pollution," the report found.

Only 9% of respondents disagreed with the "public health issue" statement and 13% disagreed that cars were a contributor.

In addition, a little more than 60% of the motorists questioned at least tend to agree (from "tend to agree" to "agree" and "strongly agree") with Good Move’s premise of reducing through traffic in residential areas “to make them more pleasant and safer, even if this means motorists sometimes having to make more detours”.

Almost 70% of those questioned for the research support the development of additional bus and tram routes, even at the cost of removing parking spaces.

Moreover, a little more than half of the interviewees think that the Brussels government should develop additional cycle paths, even if it means they would have to pay for them.

Good Move is the wide-ranging mobility plan for the Brussels region. Approved in 2020 by the Brussels government, it defines the main policy guidelines in the field of mobility.

The plan aims to improve the living environment of the people of Brussels, while supporting the demographic and economic development of the Brussels region.

It is the result of a vast participatory process involving all Brussels stakeholders - mobility and institutional partners, the municipalities, the economic and associative world, as well as citizens. This participatory process took place over a four-year period.

The Good Move plan is “a new way of getting around and living in Brussels”, Brussels Mobility said.

To achieve its objectives, the region has adopted a regulatory framework and an ambitious action plan divided into six themes: good neighbourhood, good network, good service, good choice, good partner and good knowledge.

Written by Liz Newmark



Who was invited to participate in this study? I live in a Brussels commune and never saw or received any invitation/form to take part in this study.

Dec 2, 2024 13:47
John P

What study?
This is a hoax!
At best it was an opinion survey.
Was never invited to participate.
Didn't even know there was a survey going on.
There is no transparency in this "good move" thing.
Every change they apply puts Brussels residents in more danger.
They are simply changing Brussels into fragmented 15 minute cities.
A city is not a village. A city is much more populous and is build in height.
Blocking of roads, narrowing or pedestrianizing streets, reducing on-street parking, will only result in neighborhoods becoming unapproachable by emergency vehicles when an accident, or fire, or some other problem arises, and also inescapable for human beings who live there or pass by.
This lunacy must stop.

Dec 2, 2024 23:08

Since this was a "study" by Brussels Mobility (should be renamed Brussels Immobility?), the very people who forced "Good" Move on Brussels to begin with, it makes sense that their own study finds their own scheme simply wonderful. How about having an independent study to find out what Brussels residents really think?

Dec 3, 2024 12:34

all these crazy support for car commuting really amazes me! For those against Good Move, be aware that there is a majority of people that prefer to have less traffic, wider sidewalks and a more liveable city! As an example, every new carless area in town gets full of people.
We are willing to see a bigger change in the near future. Thanks to those brave politicians that want to make Brussels a nicer place to live! Thanks to Good Move

Dec 10, 2024 14:55