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music/drawing/sport courses for children in Saturday mornings in Brussels
Anyone knows schools/clubs that offer more-than-one types of activities (music, drawing, and sport) for children in Saturday mornings in Brussels?
I have my French class in Saturday morning and want to find a school/club where my son (5 years old) can learn/play more than one activities in the morning, e.g drawing and music, music and sport...
I have searched and found some schools, but they offer only one type of activities, which is boring for the whole morning.
Thanks and kind regards,
I don't think you are going to find sport, music and art together.
What language are you looking for?
What geographical area is your French class / home?
You will find places which offer several different sports, I know one place that does cooking / IT / sport, but no good recommending if a) it's wrong language and b) it's an hour away from you.