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need information regarding tax


someone is offering me a job as a babysitter. But the parents would like to make it official. Since it will be my first job here in Belgium, how do I register myself as a worker (I will pay tax, etc). Is it a must for a babysitter to register herself as a worker (work legally), do the parents pay me by vouchers (it will be the first time also for the parents to hire a babysitter here). What else should I know ? Any information will be appreciated.

Thank you


Baby-sitter is casual work. Not enough to live on, and not enough to be taxed (Under 500/month)

Full time nanny? Go through an agency. They will keep it all legal and insured for everyone.

Jul 16, 2013 23:44

A babySITTER is someone who takes care of children in the children's own home whilst the parents go out in the evening. This is totally informal and does not need registration or declaration of income for tax purposes.
On the other hand a babyMINDER is someone who looks after children on a more-or-less full-time basis - commonly several children and commonly in the minder's home. If this is what you are asking about, you will not only need to be registered as a worker but as a babyminder.

Jul 17, 2013 08:58

The parents will need to employ you and pay your Tax and National Insurance.

The parents need to contact someone like:

You need to make sure you are and the parents are doing this legally.

Jul 17, 2013 09:19

If you're meaning a full time job, well the employers need to do the leg work, not you really. They will have to arrange for employer's social security, insurance, your social security, tax etc. It could add up to over 2k per month full time for the employer, you receiving much less.

If you're going to be a live-in, living as part of the family, then that is au-pair and you can only work a maximum of 20 hours a week, 2 days off, language lessons, age resrictions etc, pocket money a minimum of 450 a month.

If you're going to offer your services in your own home, then you have to register with Kind en Gezin or ONE as a childminder, that would take quite some time. This is the only form of minding which is tax deductible.

Parents cannot pay you using titres-services.

Jul 17, 2013 09:22

thank you for all the information. Really helpful.

Jul 17, 2013 21:14