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Neighbor complaining of noise from us


Referring to noise pollution at:

which says:
# "If you cause a temporary or persistent noise nuisance above certain values as the owner, holder or user of a source of noise"

Following question arises as my neighbor living ~30 meters across (two gardens in between) is complaining if we listen to music from the balcony, during the weekend, during the day. She also swears loudly when we talk on the phone from the balcony.

(1) Does anybody know what is this certain value (in decibels), referred in above link?

(2) Talking on the phone from the balcony in normal voice-Is that an offence?
(3) Listening to music from a portable radio on the balcony (low volume-if the music cannot be heared 10 to 15 meters away) ! Would that be an offense (?
(She says she cannot read her book anymore.)


(1) The legal "measure" in the UK is enough noise to cause a disturbance. It is not actually set in DBs - it is left to the individual environmental health officer to decide what is or is not a noise nuisance. If you think about it, a very low and persistent thud (like a disco bass drum) does not register highly in terms of volume, but can cause great disturbance.
(2) No
(3) No

Buy her some earplugs.

May 20, 2014 17:57

Thanks J ! Quite helpful. In the mean time, I was scared looking at following info. Will be prudent anyway, especially on sundays, public hoildays etc. BTW, I just started listening to music while working for a couple of hours last weekend. which states:

21/ resPectez les Périodes de rePos
Ces périodes sont une question de bon sens,
mais elles sont aussi fixées par des règlements
communaux et les règlements d’ordre intérieur des
immeubles. En résumé, il faut être particulièrement
attentif au bruit que l’on fait toute la journée du
dimanche et les jours fériés, ainsi que la nuit de 22h
à 7h les autres jours.

29/ ecoutez de la musique avec un
tout le monde ne peut avoir les mêmes goûts
musicaux, ni avoir envie d’écouter de la musique
au même moment. Ecouter de la musique avec des
écouteurs vous permet d’en profiter pleinement
sans déranger quiconque. C’est aussi le cas si vous
jouez de la musique vous-même : guitare ou piano
électriques, synthétiseurs, home studio, etc. (voir
conseil 46).

46/ Jouez d’un instrument de musique
dans un local insonorisé
La musique adoucit les mœurs… mais pas
toujours. L’apprentissage et la pratique d’un
instrument de musique impliquent de répéter les
mêmes morceaux. Le caractère répétitif (et parfois
cacophonique pour les débutants) peut vite devenir
déplaisant pour le voisinage. veillez à répéter dans
un local aussi insonorisé que possible. Si vous
jouez d’un instrument non acoustique (électrique,
électronique), le port du casque est idéal : il suffit
de le brancher sur l’instrument lui-même ou sur

I also found anybody can make a complaint with form here and authorities can come to take measurements for a 24 hr period. But no planes should fly during then :)

May 20, 2014 18:48

Inflicting your second hand music on your neighbours is anti social, period. The volume is irrelevant. Playing your music to the general public who don't want to hear it is simply not on.

May 20, 2014 19:08

See has she a history of making these complaints. I agree about the noise iintrusion on neighbours - but its all about the levels - if you are living in an appartment - its not like living in a million euro townhouse. You get what you pay for!

May 21, 2014 10:54

I would be pro-active ( as it seems you are being already) by educating myself. Then armed with all the right info I would be ready for her complaints next time. Ask the authorities to come to see you before she does - finish the matter - YOU can't live this way for a long period of time...too much stress. Poor you - take control.

May 21, 2014 14:13

Thank you all !!!!

May 21, 2014 19:12
Marky Mark

Disagree with your statement - "it's all about the levels"
If you inflict your choice of music on anyone else, at any volume, no matter the level then you are being anti social.
If another person can hear your music from their place it's too loud.

May 25, 2014 10:10