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New site lists Belgium's 'child-friendly' restaurants

09:31 24/07/2019

A new website listing child-friendly restaurants around Belgium aims to take some of the stress out of dining with young ones in tow. was created by a group of young parents to promote restaurants where children are genuinely welcome and that have facilities such as high chairs, microwaves and baby changing facilities.

"Which parent has never had a meal with a child on their lap, been unable to heat the baby's food, or had to change a nappy on the floor?" the site's creators said. "It's not a pleasant experience and our goal is to make sure it does not happen any more."

Users can search by location or by specific criteria. Among the restaurants listed in Brussels are the Hard Rock Cafe, Houtsiplou on Place Rouppe and Chicago on Rue de Flandre. Visitors can submit their own suggestions.

Last October, a restaurant in Nieuwpoort on the Belgian coast attracted attention on social media for implementing a ban on children. The owner said children had caused "thousands of euros" of damage to his restaurant, from broken glasses and plates to damaged seats.

He said at the time: "There are hundreds of hotels where children are not allowed. They are especially for people who also want to enjoy peace and quiet. Why should that not be allowed in a restaurant?"

Written by The Bulletin


Frank Lee

Hard Rock Café doesn't sound like a place where I'd bring little kids.

Jul 24, 2019 15:01

I would definitely recommend the only Baby Café in Brussels: Haricot Magique (
It has been conceived for parents and their children, as from 0 until 5-6 years old.
The other venues try their best to welcome babies/kids but they still have a long way to go...

Jul 24, 2019 23:55