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Road rage in Belgium


This is a reply to the lead article in the Bulletin, by Tamara Gausi.
I've never heard such rubbish in all my life, but when I read she has just arrived from London, I understand!
I am BRITISH. I learned to drive in London,and have driven in many countries. I think the BRITISH are some of the worst drivers in Europe, esp in the South of the country. They hog the outsie lane and move immediately into it and refuse to let others pass. I feel very unsafe in the UK, as the minute I pull out to pass there is an agressive road racer behind me.
I once asked a British man why he and many others insisted on staying in the outside lane and his response was, "it's a macho thing. A man would be considered a wimp if he drove in the inner lane!"
Give me Belgium any day.


I haven't read the article, but which country is one of the most expensive for car insurance in Europe and why?

Feb 2, 2013 13:30