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BE citizenship by declaration



I made declaration of nationality last December and from the Commune informed me that there would a police check to confirm my address (as they did before issuing my residence card many years ago). So far the police didn't come and I start doubting if this is part of the procedure. My problem is that I have frequent business trips and can't be here all the time for the 4 months until April. But before travelling away I want to be sure that address check is not required.
Anyone has experience of this?

Many thanks,


Hi M,

If you are applying after 7yrs residence in BE then everything is done by post. No police verification.
If not then there will be a police verif.
Also, since you applied in Dec then old rules (as said above) will apply in your case.
Just keep your residence address till you get a response.
All the best

Feb 21, 2013 12:33