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Ten percent fewer cars made ​​in Belgium

11:47 21/12/2012

The three car plants in Belgium produced a total of 507,576 cars in 2012, according to technology federation Agoria. That is 9.86 percent less than last year, an absolute record low. Audi Brussels accounted for 122,840 vehicles, an increase of 4 percent, while at Volvo Cars Gent, there was a decrease of 3.2 percent to 258,071. Ford Genk saw production fall by 29 percent to 126,665 vehicles. The figures show that car production in Belgium has almost halved in ten years' time, with 2012 as one of the blackest years. Agoria warns for a difficult 2013, where the consequences of the foreseen closure of Ford Genk are sure to be felt throughout the sector.

Written by The Bulletin