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UK cars for use in Belgium



I intend to purchase a XJS 1991 and a Defender 2013 in the UK and drive them over for use in Belgium (Flanders).

I am aware of the need to convert the headlamps etc. Would someone be kind enough to direct me to the appropriate authorities to register the above please?

Can the 1991 be consider vintage?



Talk to your insurance broker. They know all the procedures.

Mar 17, 2013 21:39

I do not have one. Any recommendations? Thanks.

Mar 17, 2013 23:52

look up tax costs too, could go in to the thousands with those cars.

Mar 18, 2013 08:59
Marky Mark

You'll have to register the cars in UK as exported - DVLA website should tell you how.
You'll have to import them into Belgium, you'll have to check if that incurs taxes and they'll have to go through a special intensive import MOT.
They will then be Belgian cars and you can get Belgian insurance on them.
You should find a broker in your area, they will be able to give you a lot of help and support with the Belgian side of things..

Mar 18, 2013 09:01

THE PROCEDURE IS EXTRMELY SIMPLE IN BELGIUM,  & If you get up very early the CUSTOMS, INSURANCE & getting NUMBER PLATES can be done in one morning. 

To drive the car from Uk to Belgium you need TRANSIT PLATES to get an offer for these (  PLUS ask TATV to check address & opening hours of :-CUSTOMS and  DIV  (department immatriculation vehicules).

next: ask LandRover dealer in Brussels to fit new headlghts and issue a “certificate de conformite” to show the vehicule meets Belgian Specifications.

next: Drive to the CUSTOMS (Douane) 11 Rue de l'entrepot,1020  Bruxelles, with all your papers. You will receive a pink form “demande d’immatriculation.

next Drive to TOURING ASSURANCE close by to INSURE your vehicule, Tour & Taxis,   Avenue du Port 86C boite 117,   1000 Bruxelles   open Monday to Friday 8h30 à 19h30.
leave your papers with them & they will send your papers to the DIV (Department Imatriculation Vehicules)  who will post your number plates to you sometime later

OR  next: Drive to DIV (same part of town) & hand over your pink form & insurance certificate & receive your NUMBER PLATES IMMEDIATELY

next drive to CONTROLE TECHNIQUE & wait to get the vehicule inspected, or call 02-726 91 52 to make an appointment

118 rue Colonel Bourg, 1140 Bruxelles Monday to Friday 07h-17h

take all your papers & car (serviced, cleaned including chassis, seat belts buckled)

they will give you a green CERTIFICATE DE VISITE

you are now legal & registered in Belgium

1) Vous devez présenter votre véhicule à la Douane afin de vérifier que le véhicule est bien au norme belge. Si tel est le cas, vous recevrez un formulaire de demande d'immatriculation de leur part.  Adresse de la Douane : Rue de l'entrepot, 11 1020  Bruxelles Tél : 02/421.38.32  (THIS NUMBER NO LONGER VALID !)

2) Vous nous renvoyez le formulaire, duement complété et signé, de demande d'immatriculation ou vous passez dans l'une de nos agences afin que nous complétions le formulaire.

3) Soit nous renvoyons par nous-même le formulaire de demande d'immatriculation à la DIV. Soit, si vous passez dans l'une de nos agences, après que nous ayons rempli le formulaire vous pouvez vous rendre vous-même directement par la suite à la DIV. Vous recevrez vos plaques, vos papiers d'immatriculation, ainsi qu'une invitation à vous rendre au contrôle technique.

 4) Une fois le contrôle technique passé, vous êtes en ordre à tout point de vue.

 Notez que nous n’assurerons pas le véhicule tant qu’il n’aura pas reçu l’approbation de la Douane et que vous serez donc en possession d’un formulaire de demande d’immatriculation (à partir de ce moment-là, nous assurerons le véhicule pendant 16 jours sans aucune autre formalité et vous disposerez de ce même délai pour vous mettre en ordre administrativement).

 Pour le rapatriement du véhicule, il vous faudra utiliser des plaques TRANSIT. Si vous souhaitez une offre de prix, vous pouvez envoyer votre demande à notre service commercial (

Mentionnez les références précises de votre véhicule : marque, modèle, année, puissance en terme de KW, cylindrée, valeur du véhicule, ainsi que les garanties souhaitées.   meilleures salutations.  Touring Assurances

Mar 18, 2013 12:09

1 Oldtimers considered to be over 25yrs old - but go for normal registration as an oldtimer reguistration has very strict limitations

2.  There is no need for transit plates from the UK -- Plates belong to the car not the owner - my insurer insured on chassis number and teh car had UK plates.


Unless you have bottomless pockets - don't go to a dealer to have headlamps fitted -- the defender has simple round lamps - you can swap them yourself (get new lhd one from a motor factor) and any garage will align them for between 20-30€

Unless system has changed very recently - for an import - you have to personally go to a DIV office when customs agent is on duty to get the rear plate


1 - Customs with UK paperwork - note if you bought from a dealer in UK they expect to see a VAT receipt

2 - CT station - in my area you need an appt for an import - they will give you a load of paperwork and you need to get an insurance stamp

3- If you don't have a conformity cert - teh CT station can do teh test for around €60 - but wait for ever for teh paperwork (mine took 9 months) so best to get it from dealer or the Belgian HQ

4- As an import - need to go to DIV office when customs agent is on duty -- eg in my area 2 mornings a week)  -- Your CT station will give you addresses and also advise. (well mine did)

Ive brought a total of 4 vehicles across from teh UK over the years -- most recently 2 years ago



Mar 18, 2013 16:10

A few extra points:

The cars need to have current road tax in UK (and therefore MoT and insurance) when you bring them over. You use part of the DVLC registration form to advise the DVLC that they have been exported once the formalities in Belgium have been completed (or you have sold the vehicles on), this is important as an automatic fine system applies these days.

You won't get your Belgian rear plates immediately from the DIV, they will arrive a couple of days later in the post but you will have been told the numbers so you can get the front plates made while you are waiting.

I presume that you are registered as a Belgian resident, the DIV will want to see proof (eg E card or Certicate de Residence) before they will initiate the registration of the cars.

Mar 18, 2013 20:55

Thank you!

Mar 21, 2013 03:05