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Baby Gift Ideas
you can check the hand embroydered baby clothes of Les Petites Abeilles on the Facebook page:
If you would like to place an order, you are welcome to write to
hi Jenn,
if you living close(r) to your friends & new born, then maybe my ideas will help.
In the past years, my gifts were like ..not that personalized, but mostly welcomed and used.
* diapers delivery for 3 - 6 months
* a coupon for 2 - 3 dinners prepared & delivered while the young parents were exhausted for new parents& babies
* a weekend / some hourse household help ...same as above
* take older kids for an afternoon / a weekend
* 1/ 2 / 3 coupons for babysitting ...starting with baby's being 3 / 4 months old.
* helping to get their baby announcements out in (their) timely manner
Sorry, but for me is all that baby cloth / golden necklace / a silver coaster with date stuff a nice, but useless dust catcher.
Just my 2 cents.
Hi Jenn,
Check out I used this website to buy a personalised painting as a gift to celebrate the birth of a friend’s grandson. My friend contacted me as soon as she received it to say how delighted she and her family were with such a fun personalised present. The painting was delivered on time and nicely wrapped. I really like the idea of giving something so original and such good value for money. I will definitely be using this website again. Sue
on for sale 3 page( the Victorian collection) of little pictures is beautiful for baby room and they can keep them .not like buying clothes or toys you get lot of toys and clothes for new baby's from friends and family.
I also know a lady who make by hand beautiful matinee set for baby's if you are interested let us know your email address and send her email to you .