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Far-right party steals Thatcher slogan for 2014 election

11:35 28/05/2013

Far-right party Vlaams Belang has borrowed a Thatcher-era slogan to launch its campaign for the 2014 general election. "Give us our money back," proclaims the party, pointing the finger at Belgium’s immigration policy, and the Eurozone crisis and Flemish money being used to help out Wallonia. Vlaams Belang is effectively plagiarising the line ‘What we are asking is for a very large amount of our own money back’, which Margaret Thatcher used during  EEC budget negotiations in 1979 and which the tabloid press summed up as "I want my money back". In its programme, the far-right Flemish party wants to dismantle the European Union and the euro, to break up Belgium, to end all immigration and reinstate border controls. It also includes an image depicting Flanders as a ‘cash cow’, in which the members of a "classic Flemish family" have their heads replaced by those of cows, with the slogan “We’ve been milked enough”. 

Written by The Bulletin