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BE citizenship rejected


I have stayed in BE for more than 7 years and i applied for citienship through the commune in Nov 2012 (old procedure). I got a rejection as there were 2 holes in my residency period - 21 days and 14 days. I provided all the documents - payslips and other proofs but they dont agree. But they say that i can apply again if i wish to do so. The other option is to go to court. I would like some know if anyone has faced the same situation, is it better to go to court? How long can it take (flemish side)?


I think if you go to court it might take a while.
If holes or gaps are not genuine did you ask your commune
for some sort of clarification ? They would be having more weitage ?

I had a similar case (there was actually a delay in me receiving my electronic card and i had changed houses at the same time ) which led to a gap in address. But the commune while accepting my documents
spotted this and provided a special paper . This was acceptedby the authorities
and by Gods grace my citizenship got approved. Old procedure

Jun 10, 2013 22:16

When i filed the application, the Commune told me about the gaps in residency. They told me to get the docs from the previous commune I stayed to justify i did stay there continuously. I gave this document when applying. In my case too there was delay when i received the electronic card. Also while protesting the procurer i sent these docs, payslips, tax docs etc through my lawyer. Can i apply once again at the commune while simultaneously waiting for court to call? Is this allowed? I am afraid that that if they reject again in the new procedure i will lose time to go to court.

Jun 11, 2013 11:07