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XBox Help Needed - Convert US to BE


My son has his US Xbox here in Belgium. We have tried using converters to transform the voltage but it blows the fuse each time. Does anyone have a suggestion on how he can use the Xbox here in Belgium PLEASE??


Check that your converter has enough power (around 150-200W), other reason for the breaker to flip may be that the xbox supply is gone. As xbox has an external power supply the easiest solution is to get one that works straight on 220 V. Plenty of them on ebay for around 10 euros + shipping. Just be sure to check that you get one of the same power (or more) to the one you currently have, seems that here are 2 or 3 models (something like 135 W or 150 W). Good luck with it.

Jun 17, 2013 00:42

Thank you!
Would a 220 v. work on a US Xbox, or can it be plugged in? It sounds what you're saying is that his external power adapter has been blown out and he needs a new one. I assume this. But you are saying to get the same adapter that he already has (135 w. etc.). So we're confused?

Thank you.

Jun 17, 2013 08:56

Maybe is a question of vocabulary: (adapter)=(power supply)=(external box that is plugged with a cord to the xbox and another one to the mains). I said that you should get an adapter of the same or more power (W) not voltage (get on working on 220 V instead of 110 V for US). The output of the power supply is the same just that the entry voltage is different. Hope is clearer now.

Jun 17, 2013 09:48

As ghita_f_frica says, you should just buy a european "power supply unit". Go to somewhere like Media Markt here in Belgium, or try ebay or amazon. The "power supply unit" or PSU is a wall plug, a transformer, and a cable to connect it to the xbox itself. If you buy a European PSU, it will work fine. You'll have to spend a small fortune buying a stepdown transformer.

Jun 17, 2013 10:49

Thank you all!

Jun 17, 2013 20:51

Late to the party, but for my friend's us xbox and nintendo's wii, he got a power converter like this one:

you can find them at media market or at elak and they run about 40 euros. Once you have that, you can run many us electronics, specially if you bring an 6 outlet cord from the US.

Jun 20, 2013 23:16

Thanks. Wish I knew.

Jun 21, 2013 21:52
Sameer Vashistha

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Mar 6, 2017 08:02

I have 3 step-down transformers available ---

- 1000w (single outlet) 35 Euro
- 1000w (double outlet) 40 Euro
- 1500w (double outlet) 50 Euro

Mar 23, 2018 12:38