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Garden Seeds


Anyone know the rules/regulations on bringing retail packed packets of seeds into Belgium (just for a small patch of ground so not that many) or where I can find the information.

Many thanks


I think with in EU its ok, but what are you wanting to import thats not a local plant? You can buy seeds here in bricco and garden centers. I also have had stuff shipped from with no problem, be careful you dont plant invasive none native species

Jul 2, 2013 19:06

Buy EU. No worries.

Jul 2, 2013 21:56

Thanks for the answers - haven't been to garden centres yet - just saw something that looked as though it would be perfect for a small patch I need to cover. Its called Isotoma fluviatilis (Blue Star Creeper) - definitely hoping to find it here or in the UK. If anyone knows of any reason why I shoul not plant it, would appreciate it.

Jul 3, 2013 09:42