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2 weeks in between two jobs


Dear Xpats, need your advice. I did some research, but am still unsure what to do in this situation. I am finishing one job end this month and start another one on Aug 15th. I decided to have 2 weeks in between two jobs. Obviously, I do not want to claim unemployment benefits. Do I need to go to the unions(I am with ABVV) to register as unemployed for 2 weeks? Want to avoid any future discussions about social security etc. Many thanks in advance!!!


Perhaps it has been suggested, you could use some of your holiday day's up.
On a side note :
There are two types of unempolyed.
Chomage (paid unemployment) and the other is I think its called Chomage Libre (Unpaid employed ie : the have the status of unemployed but are not paid by the state).
However I don't belive that either would apply in your case. (as you suggested)
I would go to your Union at any rate they will be able to advise you the best.

Jul 25, 2013 14:58
Tanya DS

Thank you! I am not entitled to any vacation days, so this one does not apply. I just have contacted the unions with the same question (by e-mail) and they confirmed they will hadle this, whatever, this means. I shall wait a bit and if I do not hear from them, I shall go to their office on Aug 1st. Just to be sure.

Jul 25, 2013 15:18