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1 week sole vacation - where?
Prague. Budapest.
Small brewery tour of Denmark. Start with near Esbjerg and move east. Fly to Copenhagen, train to Esbjerg. Always fancied this as a 'road' trip, would be good to write up as well.
Sardinia! Alghero for instance is connected via Ryanair from Charleroi:
I don’t know what your preferences are (party guy or adventurous traveler?) but if you want to try something off the beaten track what about Jordan?
I found it a safe country and extremely interesting. Petra alone is worth the trip if you are into archeology and old sites. Jerash also deserve a visit.
The desert Wadi Rum is extremely fascinating and an overnight stay in a tent with jeep and camel ride sounds a bit touristy but really worth the experience.
For sun and sea you can try Aqaba (nice coral reef south of town) and a visit on the Dead Sea it is also fun for a day.
I found the local cuisine good and appetizing and the people extremely friendly. Everywhere I was greeted with smiles and “Welcome to Jordan!”.