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Moles in the garden



I am having trouble with moles as they are digging up my garden

any tips/ideas on how to get rid of them?

Many thanks


The most efficient ways (much better than chemicals, bombs or poison) is to get a few thin 60 cm high wooden or plastic stakes (used to prop up plants). You spread them out vertically in your garden some 5 or 6 metres from each other and put empty plastic (water or soda) bottles on top, bottom up. The continuing tapping of the neck of the bottle on the thin stick caused by the wind sends vibrations in the soil that drives moles away. It has worked wonderfully for us for the last five years.

Aug 27, 2013 14:29

Don't waste money on 'bombs'; vibrating battery run stakes etc I spent a fortune before giving up and getting a cat et voila - no more moles!

Aug 27, 2013 16:16

I used mothballs. put a couple in each molehill and any new ones that appear. moles hate the smell and move on rapidly. (This tip comes from a Victorian gardening book)

Sep 1, 2013 17:56
John Graham

Buy a mole trap, catch them, skin them and have them made into a nice moleskin coat. That's what we always used to do.

Sep 8, 2013 08:45