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Fresh Lasagna sheets


Could anyone please tell me where I might be able to buy the above (in Brussels prefereably). I tried improvising yesterday by boiling some water and using dry packet lasagna to get the same result but it really didn't taste good :(



Delhaize have it + Italian Trateurs (the one in rue Bailly definitely has it)

Sep 26, 2013 10:36

my tip:
prepare the lasagne in the morning for the evening with a juicy bolognese sauce, anso the besciamel shouldn't be too thick.

by allowing the sheet to get soaked all day your lasagne will taste soft and moisty.

a good quality lasagna sheet is also important even if it is the dry one.
Avoid Barilla brand

Sep 26, 2013 15:53

Thanks for the info - I did have a look in Delhaize but could only see fresh linguine and fettacine but I will try another store tomorrow.

Its actually not to make lasagna, its for a Jamie Oliver dish :)

Sep 26, 2013 16:17