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common passage
i live in a small building with three apartments plus a shop in the rez-de-chaussée. one of the owners wants to change the door that give access to the building (just beside the shop) and I was wondering if the shop has to contribute to the costs.
the door doesn't really give the shop access to anything with the exception or their back roof and their exhaust pipes; the shop cannot access their roof in any other way as it is an enclosed court with other buildings (but they requested access to the communal stairs some time ago to fix some leakings).
I would have given a read to the Act de Base but it is all in dutch and i do not have the french version.
You have not said whether you are an owner of one of the apartments or if it is rented.
Normally, any type of work in a shared area should be negotiated between the respective owners and you have the right to have the request in a national language that you understand. In other words, you can ask for a French version if that is easier.
If such a door is proposed by one of the owners, that cost should be at that persons responsibility,