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Threatened bankruptcy in UK


Owner of a property in Belgium (bank owns it, but it has some equity). Own a house in UK, now worth maybe quarter of what I paid. No job, all my savings are gone. I have told the UK bank I want to sell and mve on. Now the heavies are after me. Am getting advice and preparing my statement of finances. Any experiences to share - its a UK building society. Will they come after my property in Belgium and how easy is it to do so? Can my bank in Belgium refuse to give a lien to another party?
Thanks for any views.


There is no way that you should rely on any answers from this kind of site on such a serious matter. The Belgian bank and/or the notaris who handled the buying of your property will give you up-to-date info and you will have a claim against them if they turn out to be inaccurate.

Oct 27, 2013 09:50

Indeed I I surely do realise the seriousness of this situation. I was just looking for some perspectives here on other peoples experiences. I will get on to the notaire. I hadnt thought about that. Thanks.

Oct 27, 2013 12:23

Assuming you are British and the heavies you are talking about are in the UK and connected to you defaulting on a UK mortgage, then a notaire can't help you. They have no jurisdiction in the UK!

Contact a UK citizen advice office and see if they can help you. There are free debt advice services in the UK as well. If you are seriously in debt with a UK building society then you might have to consider becoming bankrupt but if you lie and pretend you do not have assets in Belgium and they catch you, you really will be in trouble.

One of the free debt services should be able to stop them proceeding further whilst you try to come to an amicable agreement. It's probably your best chance of sorting this out without losing your Belgium home and it's free.

Oct 27, 2013 19:13