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Minority students often feel stigmatised

13:05 29/10/2013

From 2009 to 2012, research groups at the universities of Ghent, Leuven and Antwerp investigated the obstacles for and strategies of pupils with and without an immigration background in secondary education. For the project, called Oprit 14 in Dutch and Bet You! in English, the scientists carried out a survey among 11,000 students from the second year of secondary schools in Ghent, Genk and Antwerp.

The results indicate that 67% of children of Moroccan and Turkish origin are convinced it’s important for their futures to do well in school, but many of them feel stigmatised and not at home there. Interviews with teachers demonstrate that they often see children with Polish and Chinese roots as the disciplined and ambitious minorities. The research project was financed by the Agency for Innovation in Science and Technology (IWT).


Written by Andy Furniere