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the company I work for is having a difficult time and has started putting employees on chomage economiqe, also some 3 peices of stock have gone missing. 1 person has admitted to taking one of the peices but denied taking the other two, I have today found out that another employee has made an accusation that it was me and that I threatened him not to say anything! this was suppsed to of happened a few weeks ago, the claim is completely false and I cant understand why he is saying what he is saying other than he somehow thinks I am an easy target (only non- belgian) and it will help save his place in the company. My accuser has a reputation for telling tall tales and my employer has reassured me to a point, but I still feel an air of suspician over me which is totolly unjustified! would it be going too far to see a lawyer about a defomation of character? if not how would I go about it? or is there anything else I can do?


Unfortunately, you'll be in a situation where people are getting paranoid about their jobs and may well start doing stupid things.

you've done the right thing in raising your concerns with your employer. I think you need to keep that level of trust at it's utmost to ensure you are the employee most likely to keep their job should it come to cutting the workforce.

I certainly wouldn't commit to legal action that is unlikely to have a positive outcome right now, as it may be money you might need shortly, and it is very unlikely to make your situation any better. Nor is the employer likely to be impressed.

Nov 6, 2013 18:37

Union involvement?

Nov 6, 2013 19:09

that's awful Joey. Hang in there. My only advice in addition to J's is to not get into any discussions with other colleagues about this. These discussions can be recorded or even reach your employer's ear in a twisted form.

You and boss have spoken and that 'trust' is what matters most.

Nov 7, 2013 13:44