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FreeSat - Does it work


After 10 years, entirely had it with Telenet. I am using NetFlix / Hulu Plus for North American TV, but am interested in whether or not FreeSat actually is working satisfactorily for anyone? If you have any first-hand, personal experience to share I would appreciate it. Please save the advertisements for installers for another day though.



Works fine for me

Dec 11, 2013 13:23
mark b

works perfectly for me,In fact i got a spare box if you are interested ,contact me on

Dec 11, 2013 21:41

I have a Humax Foxsat HD digital for sale. Can show you in action, getting all FreeSAT SD and HD channels like BBC HD, ITV HD plus many FreeSat channels etc, hooked to my astra 28.2E/19.2E install.

Upgraded to linux based receiver so Humax is surplus for me
If interested, contact me at

* replace AT with @

Dec 12, 2013 10:07