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Would anyone be able to recommend the a Neuro - Psychiatrist for an under 18 year old - or tell me where i might find a list of them in Brussels/Belgium. A personal recommendation would be great. Thanks


Hi, my young teenage son is a patient of Dr Jurn Haan who is a pediatric neurologist at ziekenhuis Inkendael, just outside of Brussels, very near to anderlecht, he sees many teenagers. He is really an extremely nice and caring specialist, he can relate to teenagers very well. Depending on the reason you need to see a neuro-psychiatrist I would either give him a call or take an apointment with him so that he can either help your child or refer him to one of his colleagues (there are neuro-pyschiatrists at the same hospital). He also works at other hospitals but Inkendael is where we prefer to go because of it's easy access, parking and the feel of the place isn't "sterile" as it's actually a revalidation hospital. I whish you the best of luck and hopefully this will help a bit.

Jan 6, 2014 15:14

Thank you LIL - just saw your reply. I would like to have him screened initally for aspergers/related conditions - provided the specialist advises this after he interviews him. My son has very rigid ideas about things. He has lost all motivation and puts up barriers to anyone trying to reason with him or motivate him.He claims that he cannot have a good life without qualifications - but he will never get these as it is so difficult for him ( - he is very dyslexic ).
i have written to a specialist in limbeek which i got through these pages - but i shall also check your recommendation out now. Thanks again!

Jan 9, 2014 19:47
maartje 123

Dr Jurn Haan is a very weird doctor, especially with kids,
I do not recommend him. my son doesn' want to see him anymore
He is a pediatric neurologist at ziekenhuis Inkendael,
but I think he must consult a psychiatrist first to go on working

Dec 29, 2015 11:53