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Control for selling car


went through control for the my car a couple of weeks ago.
I plan to sell it now.
do i need to go back to the control again ?
Any idea what the process is

thanks in advance


Unfortunately, you will need to go back and do the CT again. It's a different, more thorough check of the car. At many CT stations, it's also done on a different line with usually shorter queue times. You will be given two very important documents:

1) A pink slip which contains all the relevant details of the car. It's called "demande d'immatriculation d'une voiture".
2) A report detailing the car's mechanical conditions and a "Car Pass" certificate for sale detailing mileage history.

You will need to hand these over to the buyer. You will also need to agree on a sale price and draw up a contract. Here is a sample form that you can use:

Apr 18, 2012 16:22