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'Timing Belt'


OMG I have never changed the timing belt on a 2003 citroen (zara picasso) car. I want to get it done now. Will someone tell me what i should expect to pay for that please? thank you


Take it to a Citroen garage and discuss it with them. You'll at least get the job done properly, and regardless o the cost, if your timing belt does go (happened to a friend), the engine is blown and the car is beyond economic repair.

Jan 19, 2014 21:07

Very important to get it done at the correct times -- to be frank -- it is not that difficult a job , but has to be done right. Whilst I am a competant DIY mechanic -- it is one job I leave to the professionals. Do ask your local Citroen garage as J suggests -- however any compentant independant garage can do a timing belt -- ask colleagues and neighbours for recommendations and get quotes to compare.

Jan 20, 2014 08:59

and as a footnote -- I wouldn't drive the car till it is done (apart from driving to the garage gently -- but even that might be risky) When one snaps - new engine is required. (the best option is a car with a timing chain or cogs -- but they are rare beasts) (personally I am more cautious and have changed every 4 yrs on all cars I have had)

Jan 20, 2014 09:18

We use a wonderful citreon garage in Overijse for our maintenance. We find them very honest.

Jan 20, 2014 12:35

thanks all - the job is done!

Jan 24, 2014 10:16