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Cost of Medical tests (no mutuelle/no health insurance)
My medical insurance is not in order.
I am in the middle ages and feel like having short of breath sometimes. Visited the home doctor and he recommends the following tests and ask me to meet a cardiologist and a lung specialist in Brussels, (say St.Michels).
This expenses need to be borne by me. I am brooding over whether to do these in Belgium or go to another country as a health tourist.
Tests & consultations foreseen are:
# TreadMill Test ?
# Pulmonary Function Test ?
# ECG ?
# MRI scan for the knee
Question arises if I can do these test here or , go somewhere as a health tourist.
Do you have a Belgian ID? If so, you could easily apply for the basic Belgian complimentary insurance (you pay 2 euros a year for membership, and get reimbursed for medical procedures just like the other big complimentary issurances, the only thing you don't get is travel insurance and invalidity insurance I believe):
More info on in our recent article:
Call a hospital/clinic and ask
The private hospitals/clinics will do all the tests, just you have to pay immediatelly. Some prices, as far as I remeber them, MRI in Edith Cavell - around 300 EUR last November; ECG is part of my anual medical check up and should not be more than 50 EUR.
MRI of the head ran me 175 euros in 2012 and that was the cost in different clinics plus or minus 20 euros, when I called around. 300 euros sounds rather high.
I also had the pulmonary function test and that was cheaper than the MRI, but can't find the receipt now. I want to say 100-125 euros
The costs of the MRI is indeed around 300 EUR based on a very recent experience (university hospital).