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US Tax advisor


Dear all,
I am looking for some help in preparing my US tax declaration. I have a very uncomplicated situation but no experience with US taxes.
Does anybody know any tax advisor in Belgium? Until now I found only some very expensive firms.

Thanks in advance!


It's super simple if you are uncomplicated and all foreign earned income is under the taxable threshold.

I can let you know the forms I do - takes me literally 10 minutes...

Also Paris will provide you with very detailed answers by phone or email ro in person if you wanna go down there.

Feb 21, 2014 11:07

The IRS in Paris I mean

Feb 21, 2014 11:07

I do mine also--it is not that difficult. I earn over the exempt threshold but it still is not that difficult. Go online to get the forms you need. Or, if it is not complicated, get an accountant in the US to do it for you--H&R Block.

Feb 21, 2014 19:36

I agree you could probably do it yourself. But there is a first time learning curve, and if you really do not have the time or inclination - there are online services which provide you with a tax advisor specialised in 'expat taxes'. They are much cheaper than any companies I have come across in Belgium and do a very good job as they really know the expat tax rules, which tax providers based in the US sometimes do not. Try:

Feb 25, 2014 09:31

Thanks a lot to everybody for your advices!

I would nonetheless prefer to find somebody in Belgium because I literally know nothing of the US tax system and I am not a native English speaker.

If not, I will then try one of the three online services you suggested:
H&R Block

Are there any differences among them?

Many thanks!

Feb 25, 2014 18:41