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Contesting Parking Fine


I got a parking fine in my neighborhood this morning for 25 euros due to "carte pas visible". When I checked, my card was actually upside down and as a result the license number for my car was not showing but the commune etc. was visible.

Any ideas on whether it would make sense to contest this? Interesting that if I had parked illegally it would be only 15 euros but I have a parking card and it is costing me more...but that's another story.

Thanks for any tips!


If you want to contest it so be it, the details should be on the notice but this will be your word against the officer that issued the ticket.
Even by admitting the parking permit was upside down would lead it to be 'illisible'

Mar 11, 2014 17:02

If you want to contest, you would need to so it by registered letter, which costs another 6EUR and the process takes time and is annoying. You need to know whether this is worth the 25 EUR you would have to pay. On top of that with the card upside down your case is not very strong.

I experienced a similar story in Ixelles. My carte de riverain had slipped a little too low under the window pane where the black dotted spots begin. The card could not be fully seen, but all the information was visible. There was no info on the part which was not visible. I had a ticket for 15 EUR and was obviously furious ;-) but what can one do? I paid it (although it was not right and I was ribbed off) and got rid of the problem.

Mar 11, 2014 17:24

A similar thing happpened to me last month. I took the parking ticket and my permit to the Tomberg Town Hall (my local Commune), explained what happened and they agreed this one time only they would cancel the fine. It is definitely worth a try.

Mar 12, 2014 14:01

I went to Aalst and all the parking was blocked by the fun fair caravans.
There was no alternative parking available; parked the car alongside the curb which was the same as many other people did.
Received a fine today for €110 euros.
This is outrageous.
It has put me off going to visit Aalst.
If the city of Aalst are advertising fun fairs and other public events the police should not be instructed to hand out parking tickets, should they?

Mar 12, 2014 15:23

Thank you all for your answers. I will try my luck in the Commune and see what they say. Otherwise, I don't think I would go through the hassle of registered post etc. Seems like a waste of time.

I guess I will ensure to check the tag next time my car comes back from the garage.

Thanks again!

Mar 13, 2014 11:51

Motorists have used excuses like incorrect registration details, illness, officer error, faulty meters, no offence and stolen number plates to beat parking tickets. Even when drivers admit fault, the fines in some cases are withdrawn based on exceptional circumstances, which include mechanical breakdown and medical emergency. Read more:

Jun 21, 2014 17:45