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Logistics English speaking jobs


Just wondering,are there any English speaking Logistics jobs in Belgium?I have many years experience, having been based in Dubai before.I know Belgium is a busy Logistics hub,after sending endless applications, all jobs require Flemish and French,are there exceptions?


Yes, there are jobs in logistics needing English only, but you'd tend to need to be native English (yes, a US accent could rule you out!), and they are very few and far between.

If French or Dutch is required, there's no point in applying in the first place.

Apr 8, 2014 13:08

What kind of job are you looking for in logistics?

Apr 8, 2014 15:44

I have experience in Logistics customer service,supply chain coordination and Administration.

J,interesting to know that a US accent would rule one out of a job...thought what matters is someone's professionalism and a good command of the English language?

Apr 8, 2014 16:32

> US accent
If you're dealing with the UK, it can be important to be able to deal with regional accents. Something my Belgian colleagues can struggle with.

Also, British customers tend not to be very good with languages, so they expect a British voice on the other end of the phone. Given that this is a major reason for looking for a native English speaker in the first place, and one of the few considerations that would override an inability to speak French or Dutch, yes, accent is a consideration. (Their logic - not mine, but they were hiring at the time and I'm not)

> professionalism and a good command of the English language
Is readily available in locals who speak French and Dutch.

> Logistics customer service,supply chain coordination and Administration
Is a lot harder to come by, but the language issue will rule you out of the "customer service" element, except for some very specific cases.

> good command of the English language
That is actually quite important - there are lots of companies here with European headquarters where English is the only required language.

Apr 8, 2014 17:41

Well...,will keep trying and hoping to get a Logistics company that deals with the International market and not only the British customers.:)

Apr 8, 2014 18:07

StepStone hjave a job advert for Logistics Administrator!

Apr 8, 2014 19:07

Tks Anonymous!
Dutch and French required though....

Apr 8, 2014 19:43

Contact Excel Careers directly and ask them directly; some of the jobs require first English mother tongue and then little or some knowledge of Dutch or French. Try it! Call Frederique Paccagnella - Tel. 02 639 4742.
Email: If the company cannot find a person with all the languages then the company might decide to hire a person who speaks mainly English and is willing to learn other languages - either on the job or at work.

If Excel careers cannot help you with this particular job vacancy they might be able to help you with any future logistics administrator jobs that can come up in the future.

Apr 9, 2014 22:12