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Recognition of a registered partnership in Brussels


Hi, I have a question and hope you can help me!
Me and my partner are officially registered for more than two years and live currently in Brussels. The partnership was concluded in Germany and as I read in the laws is equivalent to marriage in Belgium. After we arrived in Belgium in early 2013 we submitted the translated partnership certificate to the commune (Brussels center). And I just found out submitting the tax declaration for 2013 that we are still considered as singles (!) who just live in one apartment.
So my question is: WHERE we need to go and WHOM address so our partnership is recognized by the authorities?
thanks a lot in advance for any info about this!


i think yu should request an appointment with the staff at the Finance Tower near Botanique to ensure that the information related to your partnership were properly passed from your commune to the Ministry of Finance.
You also need to provide the partnership document to your employer to ensure your legal status is reported in the monthly and yearly payslips/resumes.

However you should consider that your very first tax declaration should be done in two separate documents one for each partner. Only from next year (for the revenues related to 2014) you can do a joint tax declaration with the older partner filling the infos on the left and the youngest on the right of the brown tax copy your receive in the envelope.

May 12, 2014 12:51

Thanks, a lot!
It seems to me that the commune (knowing Brussels center) has messed up the things. The employer has all information correct.
thanks a gain for the helpful answer.

May 12, 2014 13:57