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Mobistar and BASE take government to court
Mobile service providers Mobistar and BASE have begun legal action against the federal government, alleging that it is refusing to pay the fees associated with providing customer details.
“We want to co-operate with the justice system, but there are limits,” a spokesperson for Mobistar said. “Especially when our sector is being so heavily taxed.”
According to BASE, cash flow is coming under pressure. “Everyone should pay their debts,” a company spokesperson said.
Every year, magistrates submit applications for details of some 100,000 customers regarding telephone and internet connections. The reasons differ: one request may be in preparation of a telephone tap, another to find out the location of a mobile phone at a stated time. The requests come to the operators via a prosecutor or an investigating magistrate.
Each request requires a fee set by law. The companies complain that the state is late in paying. The total bill is thought to be about €39 million. Mobistar is owed €10 to €15 million, according to the company – “a sum that justifies the company’s legal action,” a spokesperson said.
Belgacom previously complained about the problem. While the company has not joined the legal action, it could join at a later time – meaning a state-owned company suing its owner.