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Towed car, not clear board in the parking


Today our car was towed in Saint Gilles. The board that was placed in the street is not clear. The data is not readable and there are also handwritten notes (like graffiti) on the board itself. We took a photo of the board anyway.

We paid 220 for the towing and (I assume forfait) for the fine. Soon we should receive the bill. Does anyone got a reimbursement with using photograph? Any tips on this matter will be appreciated.



brusselli: Argue this if it at least makes you feel better with the Saint Gilles commune. However, this is a case of your word against there's.
They could argue that it could have been you that defaced the board to try to get off without paying for example.

Good luck but doubt if you'll get anywhere unless you can produce other witnesses

Sep 9, 2014 14:18

The moral of this story is that if there is a temporary parking restriction sign, you should assume that it applies at that moment unless the explanation on it makes it absolutely clear that it doesn't - "de 06h00 à 22h00 le 11 septembre" for example when 11 September is the next day.

If the explanation is unreadable, then just treat it as a parking restriction sign.


Sep 9, 2014 14:57

There was a board outside my son's place making it absolutely clear that a restriction started at 09.00 the next morning.
At 08.05 he came out of the house to drive to work only to find that his car had been towed. The police came to the scene well before 09.00 and agreed with his complaint............but he still got stiffed for a towing fee.

Sep 9, 2014 16:50

Yes as a tow truck operator myself I can say that it's never too late to complain about this at the office of the city hall. If you have a photo of the sign you might even be able to get the city to reimburse you for the towing service cost let alone the ticket.

Good luck!
Dan M.

Nov 22, 2019 00:09